This Article is written by Pradeep who reports latest Social Media News at
When some one raises a question about the innovation and services that made human life more intellectually appealing in the 21st century and if the answer did not feature Social Networking sites then the list is incomplete for sure! Social Networking sites have given a new dimension to the way how we communicate and has changed the face of the Internet which was once considered just to be a medium to search and discover.
Social networking sites just came into existence before a decade and a half with the sites sixdegrees and classmates being the torch bearers. But nothing looked as promising as the industry is now , with the inception of Facebook, orkut and Twitter in the early years of the previous decade , it initiated the first step in redefining the internet. But by then no one thought even in their wildest dreams that Social networking sites would create such an impact in the society in the future. And today Facebook alone boast of 800 million registered users. And Both Facebook and Twitter jointly has more than a staggering billion registered active users among them. This fact can be stated in other way Facebook has the 3rd largest population next only to China and India.
Why did suddenly people move on to social networking ? The answer is quite simple ..These social networking sites have created a platform where individuals can share ideas, thoughts to the open world where the whole world can hear them more loudly and also to get connected with their family who are far away from them geographically and to connect with the lost friends and loved ones in the past. Besides people they have also created impact in the marketing strategies of the companies and most of the companies have a special division for Social media marketing and they have integrated Facebook and Twitter marketing along with their company marketing strategies. Today most of the companies have a brand page in Facebook and Twitter.
These social networking sites have become an ideal place for these companies to reach out to their target audience. Here are few points why companies give importance to social media marketing.
- They are helping the companies to get instant and real feedback from the customers.
- They can keep the people updated about their products and up gradations.
- To promote their new products and highlighting the positives better.
- A better focus on the market and limitless number of customers
- Reaching the target and potential customers.
- Reaching out to the customers and helping them with the issues they face with their products or service.
Apart from business if these social media are used wisely they can also get you a job; Sites like LinkedIn are thorough professional networks that can be of huge help to get you a job when used properly.
You can visit the site to know more about the business advantages that social networking sites can provide you, Apart from there are many articles about how to use social media in your job search and steps that has to be done to boost your business through social media. Here are few instances of what you can find in that site.
- Social Networks have become a part of people's life.If you can use this social media effectively it will do loads of goods to your business. Here are few points to stress the importance of using social media see more
- Many people use the social networking sites to publicize their products to the target audience . But it does not stop there people who are in need of a good job can also use this social media to get a job see more
- The success of your company just not depends on how well you develop but also how well you are going to market them .For this Social media has become an indispensable option. Here are 10 ways to make social media work for you. see more
- Advertising in social media can definitely provide you an edge over your fellow competitors if it is done wisely. Here are few tips for that see more
- Marketing through social media has become a very effective way to popularize the products . Infact that is the cheapest and very most effective method .Here are few point that will make social network marketing a efficient statergy. see more
- One of the common mistakes that new Twitter marketers do is they tweet a lot about their products and company in a single direction unmindful of the followers. Doing these kind of things will definitely back fire . Here are few tips what should not be done on Twitter. see more
- It will not be an exaggeration to say that social networking has changes the face of the internet and has given a new dimension to the way we communicate with each other over the internet. And read this to know the effect it has caused in the society see more .
- A decade back the essentials for survival include Food, Water and Shelter and today another factor has been included to it which is social networking , such is the penetration of the social networking in the world. see more .
- It is more than 5 years now since the first time a social networking site made an significant impact in the world of internet and its users . It has become a very easy and simple way to be connected with our loved ones and also with our friends . see more .
- Intially using Twitter might look a bit complex when practised and used effectively this can really drive a huge traffic to your sites. Here are few tips how twitter has to be used see more .
- The world has seen only a very few inventions that made drastic changes if social networking is left out it would be a huge flaw see more .
- Social media can be classified into 7 categories. Check out to know the various strategies you have to apply for each see more .
- Social networking sites has played a huge role in talking the communication level through internet to its next step. Click to know more about the importance of social networking in the society see more .
- Social networking sites are not just sites to have fun with the friends when used properly it can be a very effective way for your business see more .
- Social media has helped us to socialize in a better way. Despite the loads of benefits it provides you it has few challenges that exist and it has to be faced. see more .
- Social networking is the sensation among young and old people .They have become a superb platform to express the views and interests. There are many social networking sites on the internet and they have attracted billions of people towards internet society . see more .
- A recent study has reveled some interesting statistics about how people spend their time on social media. Here is an interesting analysis about that see more .
This Article is written by Pradeep who reports latest Social Media News at
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